Back when I started this blog, it felt incredibly private to me. Now, what with one thing and another, it just doesn't any more, so I'm moving it to my own domain and signing it with my own name. Strange as it sounds after almost 4 years of blogging here, I don't actually like hiding behind a psuedonym, so this is kind of a relief. It'll take a little getting used to on my part, I think, but I think it'll be good overall.
So, over the next day or two, the new site will get the last trappings of a fully fledged blog. But now is the time to update your bookmarks or the links from your blogroll (I know there are a couple of you out there who link to me) because in not too long, I'm going to kill this blog. Here's the new URL:
Tomorrow I'll redirect the RSS feeds to the new site, so if you subscribe through feedburner, you should be all set. If not, please change to the feedburner feed:
Most but not all of the comments on this site got sucked over to the other. If you left a comment here that you felt strongly about and that didn't make it over to the new place, feel free to comment again. Otherwise, I think I'll just let it go.